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  • The Resident Evil 2 1-Shot demo Gets 3 Million Times Downloads

    Hora: Jan. 22, 2019

    Capcom announced that the "1-Shot" demonstration of Resident Evil 2 Steam Key has been downloaded more than three million times around the world since its launch on January 11. The 30-minute demo was released yesterday on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. And players have been rewarded with a new cut-scene for their problems, regardless of their progress.


    On Steam, the number of players reached a little over 10.5 k as a peak, which is not so bad, especially when compared to the Resident Evil 7 demo at the beginning hour, which peaked at almost 4k players on the platform.



    You can track and compare your own statistics on the site on January 25, when Resident Evil 2 is published on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.


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